
The Film-Makers' Cooperative x The Brooklyn Rail: An Ode to Maya Deren

Still: Maya Deren's AT LAND (1944).

This Labor Day, we’re thrilled to collaborate with our friends at The Brooklyn Rail for an exciting Maya Deren screening series!

One of the most important American experimental filmmakers and entrepreneurial promoters of the avant-garde in the 1940s and 1950s, Maya Deren was also a choreographer, dancer, film theorist, poet, lecturer, writer and photographer.

On MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 4th, register online at the Brooklyn Rail for 24-hour access to five of her dazzling cinematic accomplishments: her 1943 magnum opus Meshes of the Afternoon, its dreamlike 1944 follow-up At Land, and surreal rarities like 1945’s A Study in Choreography for the Camera, 1946’s Ritual in Transfigured Time, and 1948’s Meditation on Violence.

(Special thanks to the Maya Deren estate).